Thursday, August 05, 2010

Holy Cow It's An Update!

Alright, I really fell of the blogging bandwagon... Well, here's a quick update for those who are curious. Basically, nothing really new has happened. Still doing the same stuff. Cody's studying, I'm hanging out, we get together with friends whenever we can find a good excuse. Here's a few highlights from the last 10 months or so... :)

Mom came to visit in November and we took a trip to Sequoia National Park. It was a super fun trip, and I even got to see bears, oh my! Though for the record, Cody said that would never happen. Ha!

We had a great time exploring the park and seeing the huge Sequoias! If you ever get the opportunity, I highly recommend it.

Somewhere along the way we got hooked on going to hockey games. I know, crazy! Bakersfield has a semi-professional team, the Condors, and I think we made it to seven or eight games last season. I can't wait for the new season to start. Wonder if I can talk Cody into season tickets?

We also had the great fortune of going back to Texas for Christmas. It wasn't exactly a white Christmas, but it was definitely snowing on Christmas Eve. Our dog, Bo, absolutely loved the cold weather. Here's a few pics from our time with the family.

Eric, Anna, Rachel and Cody
Us and our baby - who's almost as big as me!
Mom, Cody, Jenni, Troy and Bella
Baby sister got engaged!!!

After Christmas, not much happened. We came back to Bakersfield and went through the motions of everyday life. Cody has not completed much of his core clinical rotations including Family Medicine, Surgery, and Ob/Gyn. For me, OB was the absolute worst. Cody was always gone, and when he was home he was absolutely exhausted. So so so grateful that's over with. Now, we are just days away from Cody taking his Step 2 of the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam), and we'll be that much closer to calling him Dr. Cody. Or if you are Holdyn, Dr. Cokey!

I should point out that in May we made a special trip back to Texas for my sister's wedding. It was absolutely the best feeling in the world to stand beside her as she said her vows to one very lucky guy. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better person to walk with my sister through this life. He is an amazing person, and I know my father would be proud. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Troy Roberts!

So, now you are all caught up! I'll try to be back in the near future with more! I head to Texas next week for Robin's wedding and Cody will be headed to New York for a pediatric rotation, so I should have lots of material. Ashley, if you are reading this, please remind me to post an update when I get back! :)